Wondering something?

We'd love to hear from you!

Here you will find our most frequently asked questions or you can get in touch via our form. We respond to inquiries as quickly as possible, usually within 1-2 days.

Can I book an appointment from my name/profile for another person?

Yep. Just book the class as usual via the website. and upon attendance they tell the therapist that they should have the hour booked in your name.

Can I have a massage if I am pregnant?

For those who are pregnant, we only treat during weeks 13-36 of pregnancy. We have a treatment option, which is specifically designed for pregnant women and lasts for 50 minutes. This is the only treatment option you can choose with us during your pregnancy. You will find the treatment in the booking as 'Pregnant week 13-36'.

If you have a high-risk pregnancy or experience any complications related to your pregnancy, we do not carry out treatment regardless of the week of pregnancy. We encourage you to consult with your doctor to make sure that massage is a safe form of treatment for you.

Can I order two treatments at the same time?

Yes, but it is important that it says “2 free” or more for the time you want to book the class. At the moment, one hour must be booked first and the second hour after, but we will put in place a solution so that it will be possible to book both at the same time in the future.

Can I pause my membership?

You can choose to pause your membership for one month. Membership will automatically resume next month. To pause your subscription, go to 'My Page' and select your membership. Tap the icon in the right corner and you will get the options to pause or change membership. It is not possible to pause the membership during the binding period.

Can children under 16 get a massage at Squeeze?

Children under the age of 16 cannot get a massage at Squeeze. There are no exceptions to this.

How do I cancel an treatment?

You can cancel your class up to 12 hours before the start of treatment. If you wish to cancel as a member, you can do so in “my page”, under “my orders”. Then you will automatically get back the minutes on your profile. If you cancel as a guest, you can follow the link you should have received on notification and the money will be automatically refunded (within 3-5 working days).

How do I cancel my membership?

If you wish to cancel your membership, go to 'My Site' and select your membership. Tap on the icon in the right corner and you will get the options to pause, change or end your membership. It is not possible to terminate the membership until the end of the binding period.

Once you have completed your termination, your termination date will appear at the top of 'My Page'

How do I choose a therapist?

The choice of therapist comes up inside the booking page once you have selected your city and clinic.

How do I get reimbursed for a treatment?

Cancellations made in line with our cancellation deadline will be automatically refunded. Cancellation must take place no later than 12 hours before the agreed time. You cancel your booking via the link received by text message or as a member via “My Page”.

How do I order with a gift card?

To book an hour with gift cards, fill in the gift card code at the last step of checkout.

If the gift card does not cover the entire hour, you will be able to pay for the intermediate fee.

How do I use a referral code?

Did you receive a referral code on free massage at sign up? To redeem the code: Go to booking.squeeze.no/register and fill in contact details.

I cannot deposit my card during registration, what is the reason for this?

If you have trouble entering short and short information, you can first try reloading the page in a different browser, or try again via a different device.

Always check once more that all the information is correct and that the card has not expired or blocked, for example. If you still have not entered it, you can contact us via hei@squeeze.no.

What are the benefits of taking regular massage?

Massage can have a plethora of health-promoting effects on the body and psyche, far beyond the best known ones such as the reduction of muscle tension and related ailments.

What are the general policies when visiting Squeeze?

Personal hygiene: We ask that you pay attention to personal hygiene before treatment. If you have recently exercised or feel sweaty, we recommend that you shower before your visit.

Smoking: We ask that you avoid smoking right before starting treatment, as smoke odors can be disruptive to therapists and other clients.

Noise and mobile usage: Please avoid loud phone calls and unnecessary noise in the waiting room as this may disturb customers who are in treatment.

Waiting and questions: Please do not knock on the doors of the treatment room. If you are waiting for the therapist or have questions, you will find relevant information in the waiting room.

Effectiveness after treatment: We encourage you to dress quickly after treatment so that the next customer can start at the agreed time.

Respect for the therapists: Please show respect to our therapists, who are qualified professionals. Please treat them with the necessary respect.

Behavior and consequences: Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and may result in exclusion from our services.

Underwear during treatment: We ask that you always wear underwear during our treatments, to ensure a professional and comfortable experience.

Your Health and Consultation Form: Please fill out a consultation form before treatment and note that we do not perform massage therapy in some cases and that a doctor must be consulted before treatment in special cases. We refer in full to our policy relating to the terms of treatment available on our websites.

What benefits will I get as a member?

By creating a membership you get, among other things; more affordable treatments, enlisting friends and receiving massages.

What is classical massage?

Classical massage is a form of manual therapy that involves manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, tendons, and connective tissue. The goal of classical massage is to promote relaxation, relieve muscle tension, improve blood circulation and increase flexibility.This type of massage usually uses five basic techniques:

Effleurage: Long, sliding coats are used for warming and for spreading oil on the body.

Petrissage: Kneeling movements, such as squeezing, rolling and pressing, are used to manipulate the muscles and increase circulation.

Friction: Circular movements or rubs are used to loosen tight muscles and stimulate blood circulation.

Tapotement: This involves fast, rhythmic beats, such as clapping or drumming, to stimulate the muscles.

Vibration: Fine vibrating or shaking movements are used to relieve tension and improve blood circulation.

What is the duration of the treatments I have on account?

As a member, all your saved treatments will be available on your profile for 12 months before they expire, as long as your membership is active. If you deactivate your membership, your saved treatments will be available for 60 days from your last monthly move.

What kind of education/certification do their therapists have?

The training of our masseurs varies, e.g. physiotherapist, naprapath, osteopath and massage therapist.

Where can I find my previous payments?

You can find a record of all your previous payments in “my page”, under “Payments” and “Payment history”. NB! Available to members only.

Where can I see the number of treatments I have received on my profile?

In “My Page” you will see the available minutes you have available, as well as the date of the next payment. If you want to book treatment before your next move, membership rates are easily made at the time of booking.

Why can't I book an appointment?

There may be several reasons why your class may not go through when you try to book an appointment. For the vast majority, it will help to update the website, or change the device from which one orders.

Errors in booking can also result from card information errors or that the class was booked before you completed the order. If you experience a recurring error, please contact us at hei@squeeze.no.

Why do I get an error message when I try to book an appointment?

There may be several reasons why your class may not go through when you try to book an appointment. For the vast majority, it will help to update the website, or change the device from which one orders.

Why have I been charged several times?

It could be because you booked an hour without having available massages on your profile, or that you forgot to cancel a previous session before booking a new one.

If you cancel this class afterwards, you will get the massage back on your profile if you are a member, or you will be automatically refunded as a guest.

Can I book an appointment from my name/profile for another person?

Yep. Just book the class as usual via the website. and upon attendance they tell the therapist that they should have the hour booked in your name.

Can I order two treatments at the same time?

Yes, but it is important that it says “2 free” or more for the time you want to book the class. At the moment, one hour must be booked first and the second hour after, but we will put in place a solution so that it will be possible to book both at the same time in the future.

How do I cancel an treatment?

You can cancel your class up to 12 hours before the start of treatment. If you wish to cancel as a member, you can do so in “my page”, under “my orders”. Then you will automatically get back the minutes on your profile. If you cancel as a guest, you can follow the link you should have received on notification and the money will be automatically refunded (within 3-5 working days).

How do I choose a therapist?

The choice of therapist comes up inside the booking page once you have selected your city and clinic.

How do I order with a gift card?

To book an hour with gift cards, fill in the gift card code at the last step of checkout.

If the gift card does not cover the entire hour, you will be able to pay for the intermediate fee.

Why can't I book an appointment?

There may be several reasons why your class may not go through when you try to book an appointment. For the vast majority, it will help to update the website, or change the device from which one orders.

Errors in booking can also result from card information errors or that the class was booked before you completed the order. If you experience a recurring error, please contact us at hei@squeeze.no.

Can I pause my membership?

You can choose to pause your membership for one month. Membership will automatically resume next month. To pause your subscription, go to 'My Page' and select your membership. Tap the icon in the right corner and you will get the options to pause or change membership. It is not possible to pause the membership during the binding period.

How do I cancel my membership?

If you wish to cancel your membership, go to 'My Site' and select your membership. Tap on the icon in the right corner and you will get the options to pause, change or end your membership. It is not possible to terminate the membership until the end of the binding period.

Once you have completed your termination, your termination date will appear at the top of 'My Page'

What benefits will I get as a member?

By creating a membership you get, among other things; more affordable treatments, enlisting friends and receiving massages.

What is the duration of the treatments I have on account?

As a member, all your saved treatments will be available on your profile for 12 months before they expire, as long as your membership is active. If you deactivate your membership, your saved treatments will be available for 60 days from your last monthly move.

Where can I see the number of treatments I have received on my profile?

In “My Page” you will see the available minutes you have available, as well as the date of the next payment. If you want to book treatment before your next move, membership rates are easily made at the time of booking.

How do I get reimbursed for a treatment?

Cancellations made in line with our cancellation deadline will be automatically refunded. Cancellation must take place no later than 12 hours before the agreed time. You cancel your booking via the link received by text message or as a member via “My Page”.

I cannot deposit my card during registration, what is the reason for this?

If you have trouble entering short and short information, you can first try reloading the page in a different browser, or try again via a different device.

Always check once more that all the information is correct and that the card has not expired or blocked, for example. If you still have not entered it, you can contact us via hei@squeeze.no.

Where can I find my previous payments?

You can find a record of all your previous payments in “my page”, under “Payments” and “Payment history”. NB! Available to members only.

Why have I been charged several times?

It could be because you booked an hour without having available massages on your profile, or that you forgot to cancel a previous session before booking a new one.

If you cancel this class afterwards, you will get the massage back on your profile if you are a member, or you will be automatically refunded as a guest.

Why do I get an error message when I try to book an appointment?

There may be several reasons why your class may not go through when you try to book an appointment. For the vast majority, it will help to update the website, or change the device from which one orders.

Can I have a massage if I am pregnant?

For those who are pregnant, we only treat during weeks 13-36 of pregnancy. We have a treatment option, which is specifically designed for pregnant women and lasts for 50 minutes. This is the only treatment option you can choose with us during your pregnancy. You will find the treatment in the booking as 'Pregnant week 13-36'.

If you have a high-risk pregnancy or experience any complications related to your pregnancy, we do not carry out treatment regardless of the week of pregnancy. We encourage you to consult with your doctor to make sure that massage is a safe form of treatment for you.

What are the benefits of taking regular massage?

Massage can have a plethora of health-promoting effects on the body and psyche, far beyond the best known ones such as the reduction of muscle tension and related ailments.

What is classical massage?

Classical massage is a form of manual therapy that involves manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, including muscles, tendons, and connective tissue. The goal of classical massage is to promote relaxation, relieve muscle tension, improve blood circulation and increase flexibility.This type of massage usually uses five basic techniques:

Effleurage: Long, sliding coats are used for warming and for spreading oil on the body.

Petrissage: Kneeling movements, such as squeezing, rolling and pressing, are used to manipulate the muscles and increase circulation.

Friction: Circular movements or rubs are used to loosen tight muscles and stimulate blood circulation.

Tapotement: This involves fast, rhythmic beats, such as clapping or drumming, to stimulate the muscles.

Vibration: Fine vibrating or shaking movements are used to relieve tension and improve blood circulation.

Can children under 16 get a massage at Squeeze?

Children under the age of 16 cannot get a massage at Squeeze. There are no exceptions to this.

How do I use a referral code?

Did you receive a referral code on free massage at sign up? To redeem the code: Go to booking.squeeze.no/register and fill in contact details.

What are the general policies when visiting Squeeze?

Personal hygiene: We ask that you pay attention to personal hygiene before treatment. If you have recently exercised or feel sweaty, we recommend that you shower before your visit.

Smoking: We ask that you avoid smoking right before starting treatment, as smoke odors can be disruptive to therapists and other clients.

Noise and mobile usage: Please avoid loud phone calls and unnecessary noise in the waiting room as this may disturb customers who are in treatment.

Waiting and questions: Please do not knock on the doors of the treatment room. If you are waiting for the therapist or have questions, you will find relevant information in the waiting room.

Effectiveness after treatment: We encourage you to dress quickly after treatment so that the next customer can start at the agreed time.

Respect for the therapists: Please show respect to our therapists, who are qualified professionals. Please treat them with the necessary respect.

Behavior and consequences: Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated and may result in exclusion from our services.

Underwear during treatment: We ask that you always wear underwear during our treatments, to ensure a professional and comfortable experience.

Your Health and Consultation Form: Please fill out a consultation form before treatment and note that we do not perform massage therapy in some cases and that a doctor must be consulted before treatment in special cases. We refer in full to our policy relating to the terms of treatment available on our websites.

What kind of education/certification do their therapists have?

The training of our masseurs varies, e.g. physiotherapist, naprapath, osteopath and massage therapist.