75 min: Full body, face and scalp

The therapist meets you in the waiting room and invites you into the treatment room. You will be asked to remove clothing on the upper and lower body, as well as jewelry. Underwear should be kept on. For facial massage it is necessary to be without makeup. You can choose to change clothes while the therapist holds up a sheet as a screen, or if you prefer, the therapist can leave the room while you change. The treatment starts with a welcome touch and the massage includes massage of the back, neck, arms and legs. The massage begins with you lying on your stomach and after a while you are asked to turn around and lie on your back. Then perform than scalp massage focusing on loosening the galea aponeurotica (cranial fascia), which can relieve headaches. The treatment ends with a facial massage, during which we also focus on the trigger points of the jaw muscles.

75 min: Full body, face and scalp